Tag: photoshop

An Introduction to the RGB Color Model

RGB color model

If you are an artist, photographer, graphic designer, or web developer, having a firm understanding of colors is a necessity.  Key to being able to study and discuss colors is a formal framework for quantizing their properties. Abstract mathematical models called color models do just this, allowing people to discuss the qualities of a color …

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How to Import an Adobe Color Palette in Inkscape

Inkscape Logo

GIMP has done such a good job filling the Photoshop-shaped hole in my software arsenal left during my transition from OS X to Ubuntu, that until today I forgot that I sometimes work with vector-based images, and for that I had been using Adobe Illustrator.  The best free, as in both beer and speech, Illustrator …

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Programming Scripts and Plug-ins for GIMP: Introduction

GIMP logo

For several years now, Adobe Photoshop has been the sole reason that I have continued to run Mac OS X. During that time, I have done the majority of my work in an Ubuntu instance running in a Parallels virtual machine. I’ve finally bitten the bullet and installed Ubuntu as the primary operating system on …

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